von Sibylle Janert | 9, Apr, 2022 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Gestural communication Long before a child learns to speak, that is, at least in the first 15 months, he communicates through GESTURES: with the hands, fingers, pointing, giving, handing, pushing away, ...BODY LANGUAGE: he moves his foot to say:...
von Sibylle Janert | 11, Mar, 2021 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Self-regulation arises from co-regulation The ability to self-regulate is fundamental to healthy development and the basis for all further learning and cooperative behavior. This is a matter of identifying and adapting to challenging behaviors and...
von Sibylle Janert | 23, Jul, 2020 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Joint problem solving: Every interaction - a good interaction! When we want to help a child up the developmental ladder, problems are our best friends and helpers! Earlier, after putting Bruno's beloved letters in a screw-top jar, we...
von Sibylle Janert | 21, Jun, 2020 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Water is this unique medium that envelops you and seems to offer no resistance, can carry you but cannot be held. To hold it requires a container that gives the water a shape and boundary, and then a second...
von Sibylle Janert | 1, May, 2020 | Autism-like - Autism - ASD, Autism Seen Developmentally, Language development, Tips & Game Ideas
Did you know that toy shelves promote language development? Everything has its place instead of disappearing into a big box or sitting around somewhere. Everything that has its place has a name. There are the little pieces that like to be categorized....