von Sibylle Janert | 9, Apr, 2022 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Joint Attention Joint attention is the process of sharing the experience of observing an object or event by following the gaze or pointing gestures of another. It is the mental progression from a two-way to a...
von Sibylle Janert | 9, Apr, 2022 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Gestural communication Long before a child learns to speak, that is, at least in the first 15 months, he communicates through GESTURES: with the hands, fingers, pointing, giving, handing, pushing away, ...BODY LANGUAGE: he moves his foot to say:...
von Sibylle Janert | 11, Mar, 2021 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Self-regulation arises from co-regulation The ability to self-regulate is fundamental to healthy development and the basis for all further learning and cooperative behavior. This is a matter of identifying and adapting to challenging behaviors and...
von Sibylle Janert | 23, Jul, 2020 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Joint problem solving: Every interaction - a good interaction! When we want to help a child up the developmental ladder, problems are our best friends and helpers! Earlier, after putting Bruno's beloved letters in a screw-top jar, we...
von Sibylle Janert | 21, Jun, 2020 | Autism Seen Developmentally
Water is this unique medium that envelops you and seems to offer no resistance, can carry you but cannot be held. To hold it requires a container that gives the water a shape and boundary, and then a second...