Why 1-1 Mentoring?

Mentoring is aimed at professionals and involves a professional learning partnership between two people in which one experienced person shares their professional life experiences and supports the other person in expanding their professional competencies and individual potential to acquire additional value. 

Mentoring has a developmental focus (as opposed to the more goal-oriented focus of coaching): we work in a process-oriented way without a pre-determined goal, because the goal is to support and encourage you in your individual way of working, to develop your own values and skills, to recognize strengths and talents, and to discover and liberate your individual potential.

1-1 Mentoring is right for you


when groups make you feel insecure,you don't find them intensive enough or you have been recommended 1-1 mentoring


If you want to progress faster, explore more individualized paths, or delve deeper than in a supervision group


If you want to become more confident with DIRFloortime and the functional emotional developmental capacities (FEDCs)


if you want to work on your own therapy skills and expand your competencies.


If you want to discuss and understand a specific topic, problem, or child in-depth.


if you are looking for a compassionate contact person to confidentially discuss experiences/difficulties


if you are interested in the psychological processes and the inner world of the human being


if you want to learn to understand complex family situations, autistic-like, autistic, or challenging behaviors from an object relations perspective

Common themes:

  • challenging behaviors, e.g. eating, sleeping, toilet training, aggression, denial, negativity
  • Parenting advice, family dynamics
  • Holistic promotion of personality development
  • understanding autistic-like behaviors, autism and diagnoses differently

Possible content of 1-1 mentoring: 

  • Video analysis with ideas for DIRFloortime strategies, techniques, materials, activities
  • Assessment of FEDL development capacity & sensori-motor profile of the child
  • DIRFloortime, Waldon method, working in partnership with parents
  • Ideas for play materials, activities, strategies
  • Preparation and follow-up re DIRFloortime courses 201, 202, 203

Building bridges for autistic children The missing piece of the puzzle

"The detailed video analyses in the 1-1 mentoring with Sibylle helped me like nothing else to find the missing piece of the puzzle and to understand what is really happening - on the emotional level in the child himself, to see how I could respond even more appropriately and use my voice to reach and nurture the child.“ 

Friedel Bauer, educator at autism center

How does 1-1 coaching/mentoring work?

Content & Objective:

  • We discuss your individual topics and questions, among other things, based on video analyses and practical examples
  • You become more confident in assessing your clients' FEDCs
  • You can practice applying what you have learned in practice 
  • Together we develop ideas for appropriate activities, materials, play techniques, perspectives
  • The trusting 1-1 exchange allows you to address your own insecurities and gain a new understanding
  • You deepen your understanding of emotional processes and can support children/families more effectively


  • 2 Zoom meetings per month (2 x approx. 60 minutes)
  • flexible times and dates (by arrangement)
  • Time period: 1 year or 6 months.
  • Access to MindBuilders' online courses
  • free participation in webinars
  • Exchange by e-mail on questions and concerns
  • Informative handouts and info sheets
  • Support re independent working & self-employment


    • relationship-oriented attitude with focus on feelings
    • DIRFloortime Basic Knowledge: DIR, FEDCs, Affect
    • Interest in self-reflection & mental processes

Only 2 spots per year for 1-1 mentoring!

Building bridges for autistic children You and me

"The human being becomes an I through the You. All real life is encounter."

Martin Buber


  • Initial meeting for individual planning
  • Flexible appointment
  • Cooperative working in partnership over 6 - 12 months

Your own process of development

Mentoring is a development process in a one-to-one relationship between mentor and mentee. This development process is dynamic and tailored to the mentee's respective needs, i.e., without fixed expectations, procedures, structures, or pressure to perform. Mentoring is an individual development learning process that mentor and mentee shape together. Both meet regularly over a longer period of time in a protected setting for exchange and discussion.

8 Reasons for 1-1 Mentoring:

    • 1-1 Mentoring expands your vision and professional skills
    • 1-1 Mentoring boosts your self-confidence through regular support 
    • 1-1 Mentoring opens up new ways of dealing with entrenched ways of working
    • 1-1 Mentoring helps you learn from mistakes & appreciate problems as friends
    • 1-1 Mentoring makes it possible to go deeper in a protected setting 
    • 1-1 Mentoring will challenge you and encourage your playful side
    • 1-1 Mentoring lets you discover new perspectives and connections
    • 1-1 Mentoring supports the development of your personality and potential

Building bridges for autistic children "The way to the goal"

"The DIRFloortime method has confirmed and encouraged me in my approach of picking up the children where they are and accompanying them on their journey through the world (or often into the world). And to put more emphasis on the child's relationship and motivation. What I also take away is the choice of play materials and that you can make "so much" out of "so little". Also, that the path to the goal and the dialogue and interaction in the process is more important than the goal itself. In my work, I wouldn't want to be without Floortime." 

Barbara Cidej, Individual care in kindergarten

Building bridges for autistic children "Individual support

"The individual attention in 1-1 mentoring from Sibylle really helped me move to the next level in my own floortime practice and break free from my own ingrained patterns and focus on behavior change in my facility." 

Maria Lehnert, curative teacher


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