My approach

Building bridges for autistic children "Sometimes it's the people that no one can imagine doing things that no one can imagine doing."

Alan Turing 

A relationship-based approach to development

Of course, since autism is a developmental disorder, and human development consists of living growth processes, children with autistic-like behaviors or an autism diagnosis can develop and make good progress. Autistic behaviors are often based on underlyingindividual differences in self-regulation, perception, emotionality, movement and relationship skills. When we focus our attention on this, rather than on externally observed behaviors, our approach changes with good prospects for positive progress.

When you see the child differently, you see a different child.' (Prof. Stuart Shanker)

In a relational developmental approach to autism. the child as an individual (i.e. not his autism or diagnoses). and as a family member in the center. Together with parents and family, we try to help the child 'climb the developmental ladder' and develop human skills of loving relationships, playful interactions, symbolic play and language through games and communication adapted to the child's stage of development. Because humans are made for relationships and social interaction with a human counterpart!

Requirements for positive development


The child receives appropriately empathetic support from his parents.


The parents can empathetically engage in the developmental process with their child as active partners. 

Parents are the cornerstone for change

Parents, by nature, know their child best. As the primary caregiver, they play the most important role in making a difference. Developmental disorders, whether autistic behaviors, communication or relationship difficulties, affect the entire family, not just the child. 

When parents receive individual guidance and support on how to actively respond to their child and their special needs at home, positive developments in the child and family result.


Parents spend more time with their child than all teachers and therapists combined


A child spends 90% of his childhood at home, even if he goes to school full time


Parents need guidance, especially with challenging behaviors


Parents often suffer from their child's difficulties more than the child itself


With individualized coaching, parents feel empowered to competently support their child every day at home.

Building bridges for autistic children „We felt so helpless and desperate with Mohan. Already the first conversation with Sibylle changed a lot, because we felt understood and could share all our worries and questions with an empathetic person. In the meantime, Mohan does not always run away or scream. Sometimes he even smiles at my husband. And he is so happy that he can finally have more contact with him."

Mohan's mother after a few months of cooperation

Building bridges for autistic children "Since we met Sibylle, we have a clearer direction and orientation. We can see the world from Ariel's perspective and feel more confident in our interactions with him. As a result, Ariel now increasingly seeks interaction and is more interested in his environment, which also strengthens the relationship between us. The more relaxed atmosphere at home has improved our family life and encourages the development of language and play."

Ariel's father, Ariel is 12 years old.

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