Autism Seen Developmentally

Relationship-based Autism Intervention

Creative therapeutic developmental approaches to support parents of children with


autistic-like, challenging or entrenched, and Behaviors


delayed speech development


Learning, playing and relationship difficulties


Autism or Asperger's diagnosis

Building bridges for autistic children "Finding new ways"

"It has never been so long consistently so good at home with Siggi since I started working with you. I have become more courageous, also more creative to find new ways 'through the back door';-)!"

Ute Bertz
Mother from Siggi (7 years)

Did you know that autistic-like behaviors can be


not necessarily mean that your child 'has autism'?


are human behaviors that are widespread, have meaning, and that we can understand?


can often be changed if we understand what is going on sensory and emotionally that is causing these difficulties?

 Building bridges for autistic children "Reaching My Child"

"I finally feel like I can reach my child and understand how he experiences the world. Now I can interact with him in a completely different way. It feels so good!"

Frauke Sacherov
Mother of an autistic boy (9 years)

Building bridges for autistic children Newsletter

"Thank you very much for the exciting newsletter! I look forward to enjoying an offer from it in the future and continuing to read the great newsletter. I have fond memories of the training. I often think about your video on how you work according to DIRFloortime and try to follow it."

Nina, speech therapist

What parents say ...

Building bridges for autistic children "The best intervention I could imagine for my child!"

"Through working with Sibylle, we as a family have regained direction and control over our lives. Every family should receive this kind of support. Because it gives parents back their agency and helps them understand and help their child's development."

Mother of autistic boy with behavioral disorders

Building bridges for autistic children "You have given me the hope and motivation to help my child myself."

"MindBuilders has given me hope and motivated me to help myself and my child deal positively with autistic behavior. With this approach, I now look at autistic behavior with completely different eyes. It offers me guidance and helps me as a parent stay strong and focused."

Henry Smith
Father of autistic boy

We have the feeling that a door has opened

"Our daughter had withdrawn inwardly and we could hardly get close to her. More and more clearly, she lagged behind the children of the same age. On the subject of autism, there are countless theories, approaches, and treatments to get lost in. We didn't see the point of treating our autistic daughter on a biological level, even though she was deemed biologically and neurologically healthy by doctors. When we read through your approach, it made much more sense to us than other long-winded, politically correct explanations. The way you approached children made a great impression on my wife and me, and we were overjoyed when we observed several times that our daughter was able to connect with a stranger within two hours.

Right on your first visit, our daughter waved goodbye to you. We hadn't seen that in a long time. It was so nice to watch it again. When you left, my wife's first comment was, "I don't care how much she costs. She's worth every penny." Meanwhile, Ellena is making eye contact and is much more poised. She smiles and laughs at us, and occasionally comes in for a cuddle. She can focus on what she's doing and is increasingly interested in her surroundings. Sometimes she even follows our directions. Our relationship as a family has strengthened as a result. We do more things together and enjoy being together. There's still a long way to go, but at least we feel like the door is now open."

Sylwester and Sara, parents of Ellena (5 years)

Sibylle Janert

About me

I am Sibylle Janert and have been working with families, children and autism for over 30 years. As a psychologist, I have developed a relational therapeutic developmental approach that sees feelings and sensory-emotional states of mind as central to developing relationships and positive communication in the family. I have observed the rise of diagnoses and attention around the 'autism word' for over 30 years from an independent perspective, preferring the term 'autistic-like' as a non-judgmental description with a focus on the infinite individual developmental possibilities of each person. I am certain that autism is not 'a something or a defect that the child has'. 

Important influences in my work are: DIRFloortime, The PLAY Project, the Waldon Method, psychodynamic psychotherapy, polyvagal theory, sensory experiencing, video interaction guidance, shape drawing, music therapy, ...

I am the author of several books and publications and give trainings for professionals and parents on DIRFloortime, the Waldon Method, Autism New Understanding, among others.

You want more information?

Arrange a free initial consultation

If you knew how much your child could develop in their play and relationship skills, as well as linguistically, through playful interaction with you as a parent at home, you would book your FREE INTRODUCTION TALK now.

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  • Tips, game ideas and inspirations
  • Webinars for parents and professionals
  • Advanced training and supervision groups for networking and exchange with like-minded colleagues
  • '10 key DIRFloortime playing techniques'. as a printable PDF you will receive as a thank you for your registration
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16 Key Strategies for DIRFloortime Play
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